1.Same as test
2.to say things that are designed to find out what someone’s opinions, reactions, or abilities are
1.Then, we'll be ready to test out LVM and get the most out of it.
2.I'm most interested to test out the online play to see how the Wii handled ten systems connecting for a single game experience.
3.It's also up to you whether you test out your programs on a remote server (at your company or an ISP), or on your local machine.
4.Rather than trying to figure it all out on paper or in your head, get out into the real world and test out your rough ideas.
5.Along the way, Kinzel has made it a point to be the first to test out all of the new coasters.
6.There was no report of whales in the area so we decided to test out Max' new, highly sensitive hydrophone7 and the result was astonishing.
7.To test out a phone-based application, you obviously need a phone, and that implies a number to call.
8.We encourage you to test out this new system at your convenience and then let us know what you think!
9.I decided to test out some ideas for Valentine's Day pancakes, but all I could come up with is an arrow through a heart.
10.It might have been better to move some of the test out into fixtures.